Major Threats

  • Not surprising, we are the biggest threat to Darwin's Fox.  Because of various threats, this species is critically endangered, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 
  • Darwin's Foxes are highly vulnerable due to their small numbers and restricted range, having just two known populations.

**Not a Darwin's Fox**

  • The greatest threat to this species on the mainland of Chile is the presence of unleashed dogs in Nahuelbuta National Park.  These dogs sometimes attack the foxes and they also have the potential to spread diseases.  
  • Also, the foxes are becoming friendly with humans in this park, and are at risk by being killed by visitors' cars because they enjoy spending their time under cars.
  • Chiloé Island appears to be relatively safer since it contains some untouched rainforest.  However, the surrounding areas are suffering from logging, forest fragmentation, and poaching by locals.
  • Also, some foxes are killed by farmers on the island for killing their chickens, and dogs pose a threat here as well.

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